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Petition: Social Media & Mainstream Media Must Be Held Financially & Criminally Responsible For Censorship & Public Misinformation

Censorship is Unconstitutional! Our nation is under attack from within, by every major information platform. From social media channels preventing FREE speech, to the mainstream media’s constant FAKE news, we the people are being deceived! We DEMAND our rights under the 1st Amendment be vigorously protected. Private companies acting as public utilities to disseminate information, take on the same social, ethical and fiduciary responsibilities applicable to any agency of the government.

We, the PEOPLE, demand our rights of FREE Speech be defended at all cost! We demand an end to social media censorship, and mainstream media corporate leadership & owners be held financially accountable for damages resulting from reporting lies and criminally responsible for acts of treason against the US

Petition is found at the following link:

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Unfortunately this petition has been closed. It is hard to understand why the minimum number was not reached. Freedom of speech (and censorship of) shall not be infringed upon.


Hahaha. You need to do a little better than one comment and “not enough” signatures in the name of Media Accoubility???