Covid-19 Documents Human Rights Search For Truth Technology Vaccines

What is the truth?

This short article is to bring notice to a very important publication posted on PubMed on April 22, 2022 by retired neurosurgeon, Russell L. Blaylock. Published through Surgical Neurology International (publisher of peer reviews scientific journals) we can read Dr. Blaylock’s strong conviction and references in his publication titled, “COVID UPDATE: what is the truth”
We can read this important referenced literature on PubMed, which comprises more than 34 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books

This important information highlights many of the lies and malpractice at the hands of medical institutions, pharmaceutical companies, politicians and world leaders.

View this publication on the PubMed website at the following link:

Please share the link, and print out Dr. Blaylock’s publication “COVID UPDATE: what is the truth” and highlight important passages for quick reference, to share/discuss with as many friends, family and anyone we can help to wake up to the realities of our clear and present danger.
We must drop our differences and remove the parasitic criminal psychopaths in positions of power, who are intentionally committing democide on the worlds population.

Covid-19 Human Rights Search For Truth Technology Vaccines

Divine Image Destroyed

I would like to share some of my opinions after spending close to a lifetime paying attention….

There is much more going on than meets the eye. We must look inside to see that God is truly within us. To desecrate the temple of God is to defile one’s body…

Having been given a biblical name at birth, as adult I found it necessary as to comprehend what this title represents. I found conflict in the scripture, and further recognized that this book was bastardized by the Roman Catholic Church (Jesuits, Freemasons, and others from the “Babylonian Mystery Schools”); this book is the foundation that formed our current society. I recognize much truth and deception in this book (written by man). I see it both as means of salvation and CULTural imprisonment. To understand what I mean by this, much investigation into the fine details of exoteric and esoteric information of our told/untold history is required.

Though I claim no religious denomination, Christ consciousness is truly inside me. I hold faith in my heart and soul…and “I AM” made in the image of the creator…just like you…

Many that follow the teachings of Jesus and identify as Christians are some of the best individuals I have come to know. Unfortunately, I know many self proclaimed Christians that have never even picked up the book. I know some that go to church regularly and have apparently not learned a thing from the teaching of Jesus, as they proceed to live in ignorance and blasphemy. I wonder if things would be different if they truly read the scripture and looked deep within themselves to know God?…
For those who have have been greatly deceived in this current “reality” we face… I do not feel that it is too late. But, you must first get past the ego and ask for forgiveness and guidance. There are many individuals ready and willing to help you on your journey. However, your journey is just that, “your” journey…

Today, I would like to share with you an important video to comprehend. Whether you claim to be Christian or not, this video IS for YOU. We all have the opportunity to form our relationship with God (and there has never been a better time in our “told” history to do so). In my humble opinion, forming this relationship does not require one to follow a strict doctrine provided by empires of past and present, but rather to truly know oneself, go inside and let God guide you…

The link below is to Part 1 of “Divine Image Destroyed”. Originally a podcast by Christine Beadsworth that was rendered into a video.

This video has been translated in French, Italian, Spanish, and Filipino. These videos are hosted on Christine Beadworth’s website, FreshOilReleases…
Veiw “Divine Image Destroyed (part 1)


Covid-19 Food Supply Geoengineering Human Rights Search For Truth Technology Vaccines

Depopulation Forecast 2025

I personally saw this military “spending/tracking” website back in 2018, before any of the current genocidal plans by world governments were pushed front and center. I was reminded of this information from a recent video that caught my attention..
The extremely concerning forecast pages of this website have been removed…these pages show forecasts of extremely large decrease of the population by the year 2025

“” presents a forecast of the worlds population by country (among other stats) for the year 2025. These “telling” pages were removed from that website in 2020. Fortunately we have “The Wayback Machine”!

Located in the links below are the removed page that we can click through to see (by country) the “current” (2017) population, and estimated population in the year 2025 at the following link (via “WayBackMachine”).
The date that this page is last available (before it was removed from the internet) is August 17, 2020:

Deagel Population Forecast by Country 2025

The link below is the last live capture of the “United States” page (via the “WayBackMachine”).
The date that this page is last available (before it was removed from the internet) is August 16, 2020:

Deagel USA 2025 Forecast

What is “”?

Perhaps most surprising of all is the revelation of who is behind Deagel? Early researchers were able to uncover that the person behind the website was none other than government insider, Edwin Deagel. The website recently went through some drastic changes and they conveniently say he died in Tampa Florida on February 16th, 2021.

Deagel was Undersecretary of the Air Force under President Bill Clinton. He later became Assistant to the Secretary of Defense and the Deputy Secretary of Defense under Clinton in 1994. Edwin Deagel is also listed as an active member of the CFR.

Perhaps most telling of all is the interesting fact that Deagel is the Director for International Relations for the Rockefeller Foundation, one of the leading eugenic supporters in the world. Just as interesting, it appears that once this information became public, in 2015 a concerted effort was made to hide Deagel’s name from the Whois information directory. It is no longer listed, as of October 2015.

This Whois registration change coincidentally took place at the same time when all the internet talk was going on over the discovery of the website, back in 2015. Deagel held many positions under the Bill Clinton administration.

Deagel wrote the foreword to the book, World Energy Survey, by Ruth Sivard, 2nd edition (1981), in which he predicted a mass exodus from the US.

One thing is clear from looking at… someone with highly placed connections has published a ton of highly sensitive military and economic information onto one website and is making dramatic predictions about world government.

For someone to be able to coalesce this kind of information takes incredible effort and vast government and military resources. To forecast a dramatic drop-off in US population is no small feat. It certainly has garnered a great deal of world attention.

So, yeah the whole depopulation “theory” is in fact a factual “conspiracy”… That’s what governments do…right?…Conspire?!
“They” have had this in process for a long time. Too many other things point to this… Look into the shipping of body bags, and FEMA coffins (casket liners) all over the country.

The depopulation agenda is well under way…how are we going to stop this world-wide genocide?! Please, let us all know what you think in the comments below.

Covid-19 Human Rights Search For Truth Technology Vaccines

Current Deaths and Injuries Related to Covid-19 “Vakschemes”

In a previous SlowErase blog post in May of this year titled “How Many People Are the Vaccines Killing” we looked into the question of just how many have died? It posed to be a difficult question to answer. This is due to the very cumbersome and difficult interface of the official VAERS reporting system.

VAERS is the “Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System” put in place in 1990. VAERS is co-sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), agencies of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). VAERS is a voluntary reporting system that has been estimated to account for only 1% (see the Lazarus Report) of vaccine injuries. 
Excerpt from this Harvard study reads as follows:

Adverse events from drugs and vaccines are common, but underreported. Although 25% of ambulatory patients experience an adverse drug event, less than 0.3% of all adverse drug events and 1-13% of serious events are reported to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Likewise, fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported. Low reporting rates preclude or slow the identification of “problem” drugs and vaccines that endanger public health.

Queries into the VAERS system are difficult at best, and come up with multiple returns of information that are not in relation to the specific fields that are being searched for (among other difficulties)? We would think with such an important world-wide clinical trial of experimental gene-editing therapies (that are being incorrectly labeled as vaccines), that the basic details of reported deaths, injuries and adverse reactions would be right at our fingertips? Why is this critical information not being broadcast by the medical foundations (CDC, WHO, US Department of Health, state health departments, etc), mainstream media and various major news outlets?

The information is intentionally being hidden, and censored by these corrupt organizations so that the continued agenda of injecting as many people across the globe with these deadly formulations will continue. The propaganda for the inoculation (to get “the jab”) is practically inescapable…it’s clear that there is a strategic plan to inject the entire world’s population.


OpenVAERS is a project developed by a small team of people with vaccine injuries or have children with vaccine injuries. They do not accept donations or solicit fees. There is zero monetization of this site. It is purely created in order to help others browse the VAERS records and to identify the reported signals that may otherwise get missed.

OpenVAERS does not change, modify or vet data. takes the VAERS downloads, upload them to their server and put a different face on them so they are easier to browse and get quick accurate info from.

OpenVAERS allows browsing and searching of the reports without the need to compose an advanced search (more advanced searches can be done at or

OpenVAERS is built strictly from the HHS data available for download at

Please bookmark and use the openVAERS website to get the most current information, share it and warn everyone you know.

Reported Covid-19 Deaths in VAERS

With the ease of the OpenVAERS website we can all now see exactly the information that we are looking for with just a few clicks of the mouse.

At the time of writing this article the VAERS data is through August 13, 2021. Looking at all “reported deaths” since the launch of the VAERS reporting system in 1990 (over three decades) there is a total of 21,936 deaths. This is across all vaccines that have been been used since that time.

Now, since the FDA emergency use authorization for the so-called “Covid-19 Vaccines” launched in December of 2020 (approximately 9 months), there has been a reported 13,608 “post-Covid Vaccine” deaths!
Did you get that?!
In just 9 months these Covid injections are responsible for many more deaths than all other vaccines combined in the 30+ years that VAERS has been reported to!

8,328 reported deaths reported for ALL OTHER VACCINES combined over three decades. And 13,608 “post-Covid Vaccine” deaths….that’s over 62% of ALL the reported vaccine related deaths to date!

Reported Mortality Break Down

As of the same date, August 13,2021 the total reported deaths for the Covid-19 injections across the three manufacturers injections (in use in the United States) breaks down to the following chart.

  • The J&J has a reported 726 deaths
  • Moderna has a reported 3,283 deaths
  • Pfizer has a reported 9,024 deaths
  • 35 deaths reported are of an unknown manufacture

Reports of Death by Onset

Once a victim has been injected with one of the concoctions, how long until they died? Well, from the data, it looks like the first three days after the injection is where many cases are reported. However, we are greatly missing much data in this area. The long term die-off from various illnesses caused by these injections are yet to be seen? The implications for future death and illness related to the synthetic “spike protein” production in the body (as designed), and mRNA/DNA editing/altering attributes of these injections leave a vast unknown of risk and harm.

Reported Vaccine Adverse Reactions

On the openVAERS site the 10s/100s of thousands reported vaccine related injuries/illnesses and serious complications that have resulted from the Covid-19 injections can also be found.
Below we can see the current snapshot summary (as of August 13, 2021) of the major categories reported and compiled from the data in VAERS:

Where Do We Go From Here?

As of the day this article was published (August 23,2021) the FDA has granted full authorization for the use of the Pfizer Covid-19 “Vaccine”.
This “approval” in itself is riddled with criminal account.
We can expect the escalation for mandated vaccination status for most everything we have always known to have freedom to participate in society (without compulsory medical intervention). Pfizer is also scheduled to release a booster shot in very near future.

On a side note, in 2009, the Justice Department Announces Largest Health Care Fraud Settlement in its History…Pfizer to Pay $2.3 Billion! This is only one from a list of settlements…the Pfizer “full corporate rap sheet” can be viewed here.

This medical apartheid has greatly divided the country (and world over), and is setting grounds for the complete destruction of civil liberties…and life as we know it. If we do not have the choice as to what we put in our body, then no other “perceived” freedoms will matter.

The “powers that should not be” have already used the increased deaths and illnesses (related to the Covid injections) as a way to further incite fear into the population in the form of “break-out variants”. Which will result in the continued booster shots to maintain an individual’s vaccine status.

Numerous citizens of countries around the globe are in mass non-compliance of mandated vaccine passport. It is for certain that the “New World Order” is not going to stop, unless we stop it. The goal of injecting, the entire population is under way.

There has never been a time more critical in our told human history. Humanity must unite to remove the multi-national, multi-generational, syndicate of criminal psychopaths masquerading as world governments, politicians, religious organizations, and leaders.

All of them are in violation of basic human rights, committing crimes agains humanity on a massive scale that is unprecedented.

It is certain that we will be experiencing many more deaths, and the likelihood for a world-wide mass die-off is looming on the horizon.

Many doctors, scientists and medical professionals have been sounding the alarm for months, yet being censored and vilified by the MSM and social media giants.

This is not about a virus, and never was…

There is enough information to present the fact that a world-wide genocide is now taking place.

Please, remember you are not alone. We must all stand our ground, do not let anyone take away your basic inalienable human rights. Once the freedoms have been stolen, they will never be given back.

There is no time left to remain silent…your “silence” is your “compliance”.

Once again, please bookmark and use the openVAERS website to get the most current information, share it and warn everyone you know.

Please, family…hang on to you humanity, live in your heart, be the embodiment of pure love. This human experience is but a brief step in our soul’s infinite journey…


Covid-19 Documents Human Rights Search For Truth Technology Vaccines

Nuremberg Code Violations by World Governments And Medical Establishments

The Nuremberg Trial was held in 1945-1946 where German military leaders, political officials, industrialist, and financiers for crimes committed during World War II.

The Nuremberg Code was created in 1947 in Nuremberg, Germany, following the trial of a group of Nazi doctors accused of conducting inhumane and often deadly experiments on prisoners of concentration camps without their consent.

The Nuremberg Code was developed in response to the horrors of this experimentation, with the aim of protecting human subjects in medical research. The Code (and particularly its emphasis on informed consent) has had a profound impact on international human rights law and medical ethics. 

The Nuremberg Code consists of 10 principles, the first of which being that the voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential in any experiment on humans. 

Other principles include that the experiment should be for the good of society, that all unnecessary physical and mental suffering or injury should be avoided and no experiment should be conducted if there is good reason to believe it may result in death or a disabling injury. 

They also say that the human subject should be free to exit the experiment if they are suffering, and that the scientist in charge must be prepared to end the experiment if they have good reason to believe it may cause injury, disability or death to the subject if it continues.

After almost 140 days of proceedings which included the testimony of 85 witnesses and the submission of almost 1,500 documents, the American judges pronounced their verdict on August 20, 1947. As a result of Nuremberg trials 12 defendants were sentenced to death, 128 were sent to prison, and 35 were acquitted.

World governments and medical institutions are In Violation Of all 10 Nuremberg Codes

At this time in the human experience, every nation is experiencing full blown medical and governmental tyranny. Due to the orchestrated mainstream media Covid-19 propaganda, the blatant violation of human rights, removal of individual freedoms, bribing, and coercion by world governments and medical institutions, millions of people are rising up in protest all around the world.

With all major countries now pushing for vaccine passports, we must all stand for our freedom of bodily autonomy. If we don’t have the choice as to what we put into our own bodies…then no other freedoms will matter!

Please download the free PDF of the Nuremberg Code from the British Medical Journal below. Without a doubt, there are violations of human rights (crimes against humanity) being conducted. Do you recognize the violations in every code of this international law?

“Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” – Winston Churchill

This and many other free downloadable documents can also be found on our Documents (FREE) page.

Covid-19 Get Involved Human Rights Search For Truth Technology Vaccines

Masks and Swabs Found to Contain Reactive Nano Fibers

Recent video microscope investigations of some commercial face masks and PCR swabs have been found to contain some type of microscopic/nano fibers that react to heat and moisture.

These very troubling investigations sound the alarm for serious concern for all humanity as to what is taking place, and how far does this all go?

Is there a connection with Morgellons Disease?

There have been many individuals who suffer from an ailment termed, Morgellons Disease.

Morgellons Disease is a disorder characterized by the presence of fibers underneath, embedded in, and erupting from unbroken skin or slow-healing sores. Some people with the condition also experience a sensation of crawling, biting, and stinging on and in their skin.

Could there be any connections with what is being found embedded in masks and swabs from some investigations? Might these microscopic fibers/worms be found widely elsewhere?

Recent “TheCrowhouse” Video Investigation

Today, April 4, 2021 a microscope video investigation posted by Max Egan of was posted to his blog channels…what he finds is quite disturbing…

When watching the video, remind yourself to breathe; as you may find yourself struggling with the magnitude of what these findings might imply (I know I did).

Watch Max Igan’s Video Below:

Performing Tests Ourselves

These USB microscopes as used in the linked videos are relatively inexpensive, and most any of us can be doing these investigations with various masks, and PCR swabs, etc. right on a Mac or PC.

These independent investigations are very alarming… DO NOT WEAR THESE MASKS!

If you must wear a face covering in certain public places, make sure it is your own organic cotton material, that can be washed regularly.

More Video Investigations Of Masks/Swabs

Clearly this is a critical alarm being sounded, and we all need to look further into this by doing our own investigations, and speaking out with everyone we can.

With the non-stop assault by main stream media promoting mask wearing and vaccine (mRNA tech) schedules, we have what might look like a genocide and an Artificial Intelligent (AI) takeover of humanity might look like?

Many more independent microscope video investigations below:

Is there Vaccine Relations?

Could there be any correlation with these strange reactive fibers and the huge vaccine “push”? How might they operate synergistically in the human organism?

The population is now also being exposed to others who have taken these new experimental inoculations containing synthetic mRNA technology…

No one can tell you what is going on in the person’s body who has undergone “genetic modification”. With these experimental gene editing therapies…the “Doctors” , the “Scientists”, none of them can tell you the far-reaching implications of this drastic intervention of the human organism!

There is also the fact that manufacturers of these “vakschemes” have complete liability exemption for any adverse effects one might suffer from receiving the experimental injection…you’re on your own; good luck!

Modified humans, interstitial injection with the “mad-scientist’s secret concoction”…there is no “going back”, no “undo”, no “un-vaccine”, it is PERMANENT, it is FINAL!

How will these individuals, their bodily fluids, etc., effect those who have not undergone these gene editing therapies? May be presumed that these synthetic mRNA materials can be transmitted through saliva, semen, blood, sweat, etc?

The analogy that comes to mind is that of a nearby GMO crop germinating (infecting) organic heirloom crops. At harvest the crop yields the patented GM seed.

Might those who have had the “genetic jab” be a threat to the remaining “organic” humans?


There are countless doctors and medical professionals being censored for speaking out about the emergency surrounding the rushed to market vakschemes, in conjunction with the totalitarian world wide “lock step” movement.

Please, everyone…DO YOUR OWN TESTS!

Warn others!…THIS IS NOW!

Covid-19 Food Supply Geoengineering Human Rights Search For Truth Technology Vaccines

Critical Warning Call to Humanity

Let’s get one thing straight…no matter what perceived differences there are across our modern civilization…WE ARE AT WAR!

“Knowledge is power” …the knowledge and truth is being censored.

This war has been waged long ago, against the people. A silent/ covert war to end all wars. A war that was planned with the resolution of absolute totalitarian control for those in the highest seats of the wealth and power of this domain we inhabit.


The year 2020 brought us the so-called “C0rona-19 pandemic”; changing the very fabric of society. The scam could not be more apparent (for those who have been paying attention). The TV is a psychological warfare tool; deployed upon humanity to condition and control the vast majority of the population.

Serious infringements upon our medical freedoms have commenced, the governments seem to be working together in “lockstep” (reference to the Rockefeller Foundation’s “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development“) to impose serious violations of our human rights.

From inconclusive pseudoscientific PCR testing (with large percentage false positives), This medical “establishment” has failed to perform a Koch’s Postulate on the supposed Covid-19 (never isolating and “proving it), and the endless “coincidences”, censorship and “double speak” that is coming from every angle of the establishment owned and manipulated main stream media.

There are now children being raised who know nothing of “what it was like before the Corona Virus”. Generations of children brought up in a world of fear and trauma…isolation and intimidation through subversion, indoctrination and coercion.

Mask mandates, medical mandates for covid testing, quarantine of the healthy, and further restrictions of our basic freedoms are ever expanding. This of course includes a vaccine (or vaccines) that will be pushed upon the population. These dangerous formulations of hazardous compounds are been developed at “Warp Speed” (per Trump’s announced program).

This new generations of RNA/DMA modifying vaccines has implications beyond imagination. Technology built in, that everyone should be aware of… like “Hydrogel”, “Luciferase”, self replicating nano-technology, and bio-uplink crypto currency of humans to the cloud/ internet of things (ie main-frame/ A.I. “beast system” as told in prophecy).

Once governments take the freedoms from the people, do you really think they plan to give them back?

Government, medical industry, military, religion, science/technology and the central banks that are all owned and operated by the same criminal psychopaths at the top of the pyramid…

The food has been poisoned and genetically altered. The water has been poisoned, and the skies have been sprayed with nano particulate in the form of “stratospheric aerosol injection” or “solar radiation management”.

…just follow the money. A lot of answers may be found there…

Tough pill to swallow, but these organizations and illegitimate governments at large, are all working together…it has been a war against the citizens. A “Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars“, if you will.

A time soon comes where we will all have to make tough decisions…

The “Peoples” Choices?

Today is the 2020 presidential “SELECTION” that is going to send shock waves across the world. Whichever way it goes, it will likely result in civil unrest, if not all out civil war….easy to further the police state and announce martial law in some regions.


On one wing (the right wing) we have the cockwomble, reality TV show character of a president, Donald J. Trump. He is thought by all the gun-toting “patriots”, “Q’Anons”, and supporters of the republican party, to be the one president who will “Make America Great Again”.

The democratic party and democratic supporters seeing Trump as the bigoted, far-right megalomaniac that is the cause of all current political, societal and economical problems. We have never seen a media so polarized against a president, ever. The hatred that is directed at this character I have seen come from peaceful people…

Seems like Trump sure knows how to play his part and keep the majority divided.


On the other wing (the left wing) we have the alleged Deep State, human trafficking, pedophiliac, ice cream and pizza eating, dementia mumbling democratic candidate, lifetime career-politician, Joe Biden (For which the mainstream media seems to ignore/bury any of his apparent corrupt connections/actions?)…

The radicalized left has been called “Antifa” and have been responsible for invoking violence, starting fires, and furthering lawlessness in some cities.
A Trump win gives these groups the fuel they need to commit violent crimes riots/ demonstrations to “burn it down”…

A Biden win would call “the patriots” to arms to aid in bringing down the deep state…
No matter who is “selected” for the presidency we are going to hit hard…there is a storm coming…

Let us comprehend the backstories with all the corruption across both political parties and both candidates…

Both candidates answer to more “powerful” men.

They get paid to play their part and are the establishment’s main-stage actors.

The “Q Annon” movement should be a big indicator that there is much more “fucked-upedness” than any of us are honestly aware of.

Right, what is really taking place in this world around us!?

“The Establishment”

The level of evil that is present must be brought to the light. The CIA, NSA, FBI, CDC, FDA and all the other bullshit regulatory/ intelligence alphabet agencies, are ALL corrupt. The very core of all the major divisions of any important (profitable) organization in the world has been infiltrated by those who are proceeding with this war on humanity. These agencies are of course in tight partnerships with major tech and retail giants like Facebook and Amazon, and the hand-full of families, secret societies, and corporate oligarchs that have served as the “rulers” of the people for far too long.

Before the circus comes to town (today…election day), let us look upon this world…what do we see? Is this a place that reflects the true nature of human consciousness? Or, have there been certain manipulations to our societal structure that have allowed for illegitimate centralized power structures to enslaved humanity.

No, we have not been vigilant. We have failed to see their messages in plain sight.
Do you know?…how did “the establishment” become “established”?…
Well. those who conquered lands and resources (in our told history), committed acts of genocide, hired people to protect their reign over the populations, and have pushed an endless war through perceived differences, division, manipulation and coercion.

The establishment has never been, “unestablished”…the same criminal psychopaths are in control and have big plans that they are proceeding with.

They want complete control of everything (and I mean everything)…it is the agenda for the 21st century (United Nations Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030)…

It’s The Technology!

Their centuries old plans to become “immortal” through technological and genetic modification coupled with an Artificial Intelligence (AI) which quite frankly may have already reached “singularity” and is guiding humanity on the current state of assimilation into the “main-frame”, “hive mind”, “internet of things”.

It all comes down to “their” technology…it was never for “us”. Understand that the level of genetics/DNA manipulation is likely beyond what we have seen in many science “fiction” movies.

The “smart” phone/device has “captured” our attention and quite possibly our souls…the legends of the “scrying mirrors” and how many individuals have become personal prisoners to their personal prison “CELL” (phone). Their prison “CELL” even has “BARS”.

The CIA operations utilizing concepts of conditioning the human mind, the time-frame/duration and techniques to do so, has proven that 12 years is a satisfactory time to develop strong ideological subversion across a whole generation….turning the majority of the population into mind controlled slaves.

Yup, it just so happens that 12 years ago the world was presented the worlds first “smart device”, Apple’s iPhone. It changed everything; now there are whole generations that do not now what it is like to not have the “cyborg’ assisted life. So many are helplessly addicted to the technology and refuse to let it go…unfortunately, the path to hell is paved with good intentions.
Your convenient life…with your GPS assisted, microwave WiFi emitting, biologically disrupting tracking device…It does NOT look good on you…we must let go…

The contact tracing, social crediting algorithms are staged an in place for the future planned lockdowns and mass testing and quarantine mandates. The technology is how they are going to make all come together in a totalitarian technocratic digital dystopia.

They have pushed smart technology that we can cary with us…then it was wearable (iWatch), now it’s implantable.

Who Wins The Presidency?

So, there will be the ritual questioning/ validity of the vote counts, and the media hyped voter fraud propaganda.

Trump is that leader who can keep the “patriots” sitting on there hands “trusting the plan” by the CIA psychological operation that is known as the “Q” movement.
So, a trump presidency we will likely continue to have.

As the current “charismatic leader” as seen in the 1995 Illuminati card game collectors cards (below).

The Continued Pandemic Narrative

A continued Trump presidency with much drama and division among the political and social spectrum, new greater waves of a “perceived virus” that started out as Covid-19 has mutated into a different strain that will be labeled by the media as Covid-21.
The hospitals will truly be overloaded with individuals severe experiencing respiratory distress (Remember the “I can’t breath” mantra after the the short lived media spotlight of the George Floyd death).

But what is being experienced? Is it really a virus, or could the manipulation of microwave radiation (5G technology) and other electromagnetic weapons be responsible? There is a big red flag there! During the initial “lockdown” there was a big push to continue the installations of 5G and wireless technology “internet of things” by the president and all major tech companies.

The implications of this technology is horrifying. A highly recommended book (that dives deep into virus theory and electromagnetisms effect on health) is the recently published (and instantly banned on Amazon) is “The Contagion Myth“.

Remember…it all comes back to “their” technology. Genetic modifications, 5G/microwaves/the “Internet of Things”, and Artificial Intelligence are our greatest threats of our time.

Religion & Faith

All major religions have been created as control methods for the populations. A book called the “Holy Bible” provides the foundation for which this society has been built upon.
Having the biblical name that was given to me at birth, I felt it my responsibility to understand where this name came from…

The fact is that the majority of our society has been built off the blood shed, led by beliefs from this one book; that is supposedly “inspired” by the word of god, but “written” by corrupt men…

It is my opinion that what we find in scripture was written by those in power at that time, and the same fraternal orders are fulfilling the prophecies written on those pages so long ago…

They have been playing…”the long game”.

To Sum It Up

Trump and Biden are just puppets for the “shadow government” (the names no one knows, the faces no one recognizes)…the puppet masters. We know some of them…they are the owners, the rulers…these wannabe technocratic overlords preselect every president and the election process is fake; existing to divide.

Many are divided and fight with loved ones over which morally bankrupt, pedophile they each want to win a pretend contest…

It’s a really big show…all the actors are playing their parts!

Although I have wanted to write this article for some time, and just scream the truth from the mountain tops…yet, I have put it off until the last day of the election (so it is sure to be full of grammatical errors, and much is to be left out…the rabbit holes seem to all connect)…
I do feel I need to publish this before we know who will take the presidency…
Yet, nothing I say or do will change the outcome of what is at play here, and some details may arrive differently, but the end game results are the same…humanity is not favored in what is taking place.

We are going to be presented some very serious situations in the coming year, and beyond…

My predictions (or just what I understand they have been telling us they are doing):

  • Trump wins the election
  • Civil Unrest/ Potential for civil war
  • Riots and chaos that will pursue the election will give way to events that will give the media new propaganda to drive fear and anger in the population
  • This will lead to what the mainstream narrative will call a second/third wave of the covid-19 pandemic
  • A few months in we will likely see what they will call some form of viral mutation and the new strain will be called Covid-21
  • All the wile further and continued house arrest for the population at large.
  • Travel will be severely limited or halt all together
  • The continued destruction of the food/supply chain will result in widespread shortages and many will fall completely dependent on government just to survive…
  • This gives way to the socialistic/communistic desire for a “universal Income” that is provided to the people by the government.
  • They will continue to faze out paper currency in favor for all digital transactions.
  • The push for the “One World Government” “One World Religion”
  • The digital “crypto currency” that they will normalize will be tied to Microsoft’s patent technology for biological cryptocurrency integration. For further information on that just look into the (IN YOUR FACE) patent number: WO2020060606
  • Medical mandates (The “Nuremberg Code” exists for a reason.)

Own your freedoms!

So, what do I do?

Don’t do what you’re told! Non-compliance!…

People don’t want to admit that the solution is themselves. That they are the problem…WE, are the problem…

Whenever we comply with this corrupt system, we are the problem. Whenever we believe in “authority”, we are the problem.

Whenever we cast a vote for the “lesser” evil, we cast a vote for “EVIL”.
What type of evil ritual are they persuading everyone to participate in…”YA GOTTA VOTE!”…

The solution is simple…do not comply!
It is much better to stand up for ourselves now before we no longer have the ability to.
But we need everyone; we need all of our brothers and sisters in the military and law enforcement to “NOT” follow orders. (The worst crimes in history have been committed by those who simply “followed orders”).
Everyone, breathe and brace yourself for some harsh times ahead. 
…PREPARE!…(physically, mentally and spiritually)…

This decade is set for “humanities last stand”.

Never give up…Never surrender…the human spirit is eternal.

Freedom is the only option…Source, love

Covid-19 Documents Get Involved Human Rights Search For Truth Technology Vaccines

1200 Studies To Vaccinate Or Not To Vaccinate

To Vaccinate, or not to vaccinate?…That is THE question!

At this time in the human the experience, we have some very important questions facing us. And at the heart of the current “Covid-19” epidemic, safety and ethicacy of vaccination has been pushed to the forefront.

The ‘1200 Studies’ research document presented here, is a most IMPORTANT resource for everyone to have. This document provides a wealth of information from the life’s work of thousands of doctors and medical researchers into the medical establishment’s vaccination programs.

This document caters to those on any side of the coin. It doesn’t matter if your opinions are as “pro vaccine”, “anti Vaccine” or anything in between. ‘1200 Studies’ simply presents the “facts”. The information we all need in order to make informed decisions for ourselves, and our families health and wellness.

Packed with critical information, this navigable PDF document is easy to acquire important details into the safety, ethicacy, case studies of vaccines and the medical practice of vaccinations across the population.

We must all arm ourself with truth…verifiable information that can help in this process is found within the ‘1200 Studies’ document.

For more information on this project please visit the author’s page here:

Download this eye-opening FREE resource below!

This and many other free downloadable documents can also be found on our Documents (FREE) page.

Covid-19 Documents Food Supply Geoengineering Human Rights Search For Truth Technology Vaccines

Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development

Brought to us in 2010 by the ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION, we find what is practically a play-by-play of what we can see unfolding in today’s world.

This document brings to us the concept of “LOCK STEP”…
From page 18: LOCK STEP: A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback.

Page 19 Excerpt:

We have entered the “globalist” plan of a “New World Order”. This is an ultimate authoritarian state that will employ a “Digital Population Control Network”.

The deployment of incredible technologies like the 5G wireless grid, Nano technology, DNA modification/manipulation, Artificial Intelligence, and vast synergistic integrations between these and many other technologies, will create a dystopian reality that can only be scratching the surface of “fictitious” novels like George Orwell’s ‘1984’ and Aldous Huxley’s ‘A Brave New World’.

The Rockefeller Foundation’s “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development” Coupled with the “United Nations: Agenda 2030” every person, animal, plant, water, air earth will be “owned”, inventoried, tracked, tracked and ultimately be artificially controlled by a small group of individuals for whom we do not know. They are the ones that have been working in the shadows…They are the entities that determine humanities course, and have been the “hidden hand” guiding society to this future.

A plan for the future!
(a video explanation of the “Scenarios” document).

We are well in the midst of this plan for TOTAL CONTROL! We the people have got to wake up to the realties unfolding in this world around us. How many “coincidences” are required before something is no longer a “coincidence”?

The division among the populous of the world has been created by those that want to uphold the status quo. It is time we drop all of our perceived differences:
IN LAKE’CH (Mayan term translated into English means “I am another yourself”)

The power lay with us…we have one of two choices…


Download Original PDF here:

Visit the Slow Erase “Documents (FREE)” page for this and other important documents to download.

Please share truth with all those you speak too!

Covid-19 Human Rights Search For Truth Technology Vaccines

Human 2.0 Wake Up Call To The World

Search for Truth

It should be quite clear to anyone that has honestly been looking for the truth of what is taking place with the details of the “pandemic” (and the world at large), that there is most definitely “foul play”.
A labyrinth of smoke and mirrors awaits those who are looking for facts. Why does everyone I ask not know anyone who has had or died from CV-19? What is CV-19…really?
Technological advancements and media control of public perception have created a “chase your tail” situation for the populous to further divide itself (Divide and conquer is a leading strategy for any empire throughout our distorted history).

If knowledge is power, then those in power would be foolish if they didn’t attempt to conceal it, right? Our true history has been hidden from us. Those in positions of power have guided our civilization to where we are today. Do you think this is happening all by coincidence? All is lining up for what is prophecized in many ancient text. Who wrote these text?

Many people who have awakened to the truths of this world have been sounding the alarm; while the rest of the masses are dismissing the dire warnings and plethora of information available so they can make an informed opinion as to what is taking place around us?

At this time in our collective evolution are we experiencing the greatest battle for humanity and consciousness that will ever be! This is the big show, and we all have our parts to play….I know why I am here at this time…

Do you think you can just sit back and let this pass…doing your best to not let your boat rock? Well, unfortunately theres no where to run, and no where to hide. This is a global takeover…complete inventory, ownership, and control of every resource on the earth. That’s right all of it…food, water, land plants, trees, animals, humans…EVERYTHING! This is known as the United Nations Agenda 2030 (tied to Agenda 21).

Transhumanist Agenda

Such a grand level of dictatorship there must need to be some serious high-technology deployed? Yes, there sure is! What we have seen in many science fiction movies has moved to the realm of science fact.

“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men…” – Lord Action

How does an empire gain the powers of God? Through genetic manipulation, and technological advancements that have granted abilities that are vastly outside of what humans would ever be capable.

We have entered the age of “Transhuminism”. The merger of man and machine has been professed, and it does not favor man.

…this will get into a much bigger discussion that I will be presenting in an upcoming article…

“In those days men will seek death and will not find it; they will desire to die, and death will flee from them” – King James Bible

However, at this time I will say, it all comes back to “their” technology. In this article we talk about some of this technology that is planned to be released upon humanity very, very soon…

DNA & RNA Modifying Compounds

What we are talking about is the upcoming vaccines that are being developed at “warp speed” by pharmaceutical companies that have no liability for what harm it will produce upon the population. These vaccines are like nothing we have been presented in the past. The compounds in these vaccines will have the ability to permanently alter DNA and RNA molecules in the human body. Manipulations that will result in untold effects upon the human organism.

Some of the stated compounds used in these upcoming formulas are compounds like “HydroGel” (Developed by DARPA), “NanoBots”, “Lucifrase” (a bio-luminecent enzyme named after “Lucifer”), Potential “Gene Drive” Tech (“GENE EXTERMINATION” technology… Huh, does any of this seem “questionable” to you?!

The merger of man and machine is being pushed heavily by well known transhumanists like Elon Musk, Ray Kurzweil, and Zoltan Istvan. All of these characters are worth everyone’s deep investigations.

These upcoming vaccines will permanently alter the genetics of the person who receives it. What is it changing us into, what is the ultimate goal of transhumanist agenda? There is much more to discuss in the arena of transhumanism and vaccines…

Below is a video shared by Please take a few minutes to listen to what Dr. Carrie Madej has to say about the upcoming RNA/DNA inoculations.