Covid-19 Food Supply Geoengineering Human Rights Search For Truth Technology Vaccines

Depopulation Forecast 2025

I personally saw this military “spending/tracking” website back in 2018, before any of the current genocidal plans by world governments were pushed front and center. I was reminded of this information from a recent video that caught my attention..
The extremely concerning forecast pages of this website have been removed…these pages show forecasts of extremely large decrease of the population by the year 2025

“” presents a forecast of the worlds population by country (among other stats) for the year 2025. These “telling” pages were removed from that website in 2020. Fortunately we have “The Wayback Machine”!

Located in the links below are the removed page that we can click through to see (by country) the “current” (2017) population, and estimated population in the year 2025 at the following link (via “WayBackMachine”).
The date that this page is last available (before it was removed from the internet) is August 17, 2020:

Deagel Population Forecast by Country 2025

The link below is the last live capture of the “United States” page (via the “WayBackMachine”).
The date that this page is last available (before it was removed from the internet) is August 16, 2020:

Deagel USA 2025 Forecast

What is “”?

Perhaps most surprising of all is the revelation of who is behind Deagel? Early researchers were able to uncover that the person behind the website was none other than government insider, Edwin Deagel. The website recently went through some drastic changes and they conveniently say he died in Tampa Florida on February 16th, 2021.

Deagel was Undersecretary of the Air Force under President Bill Clinton. He later became Assistant to the Secretary of Defense and the Deputy Secretary of Defense under Clinton in 1994. Edwin Deagel is also listed as an active member of the CFR.

Perhaps most telling of all is the interesting fact that Deagel is the Director for International Relations for the Rockefeller Foundation, one of the leading eugenic supporters in the world. Just as interesting, it appears that once this information became public, in 2015 a concerted effort was made to hide Deagel’s name from the Whois information directory. It is no longer listed, as of October 2015.

This Whois registration change coincidentally took place at the same time when all the internet talk was going on over the discovery of the website, back in 2015. Deagel held many positions under the Bill Clinton administration.

Deagel wrote the foreword to the book, World Energy Survey, by Ruth Sivard, 2nd edition (1981), in which he predicted a mass exodus from the US.

One thing is clear from looking at… someone with highly placed connections has published a ton of highly sensitive military and economic information onto one website and is making dramatic predictions about world government.

For someone to be able to coalesce this kind of information takes incredible effort and vast government and military resources. To forecast a dramatic drop-off in US population is no small feat. It certainly has garnered a great deal of world attention.

So, yeah the whole depopulation “theory” is in fact a factual “conspiracy”… That’s what governments do…right?…Conspire?!
“They” have had this in process for a long time. Too many other things point to this… Look into the shipping of body bags, and FEMA coffins (casket liners) all over the country.

The depopulation agenda is well under way…how are we going to stop this world-wide genocide?! Please, let us all know what you think in the comments below.

Covid-19 Food Supply Geoengineering Human Rights Search For Truth Technology Vaccines

Deborah Tavares – Emergency Alert 03/05/2021

Deborah Tavares operates and has been warning humanity of the war that has been waged against agains us all. This recent broadcast from Deborah is very difficult to take in…we are at a very late hour and we must listen to everything she has to say.

Please share her video far and wide, we must do all we can to survive!

This is Humanity’s last stand!
StopTheCrime YouTube Channel
Bitchute Backup of this broadcast