In a previous SlowErase blog post in May of this year titled “How Many People Are the Vaccines Killing” we looked into the question of just how many have died? It posed to be a difficult question to answer. This is due to the very cumbersome and difficult interface of the official VAERS reporting system.
VAERS is the “Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System” put in place in 1990. VAERS is co-sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), agencies of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). VAERS is a voluntary reporting system that has been estimated to account for only 1% (see the Lazarus Report) of vaccine injuries.
Excerpt from this Harvard study reads as follows:
Adverse events from drugs and vaccines are common, but underreported. Although 25% of ambulatory patients experience an adverse drug event, less than 0.3% of all adverse drug events and 1-13% of serious events are reported to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Likewise, fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported. Low reporting rates preclude or slow the identification of “problem” drugs and vaccines that endanger public health.
Queries into the VAERS system are difficult at best, and come up with multiple returns of information that are not in relation to the specific fields that are being searched for (among other difficulties)? We would think with such an important world-wide clinical trial of experimental gene-editing therapies (that are being incorrectly labeled as vaccines), that the basic details of reported deaths, injuries and adverse reactions would be right at our fingertips? Why is this critical information not being broadcast by the medical foundations (CDC, WHO, US Department of Health, state health departments, etc), mainstream media and various major news outlets?
The information is intentionally being hidden, and censored by these corrupt organizations so that the continued agenda of injecting as many people across the globe with these deadly formulations will continue. The propaganda for the inoculation (to get “the jab”) is practically inescapable…it’s clear that there is a strategic plan to inject the entire world’s population.
OpenVAERS is a project developed by a small team of people with vaccine injuries or have children with vaccine injuries. They do not accept donations or solicit fees. There is zero monetization of this site. It is purely created in order to help others browse the VAERS records and to identify the reported signals that may otherwise get missed.
OpenVAERS does not change, modify or vet data. takes the VAERS downloads, upload them to their server and put a different face on them so they are easier to browse and get quick accurate info from.
OpenVAERS allows browsing and searching of the reports without the need to compose an advanced search (more advanced searches can be done at or
OpenVAERS is built strictly from the HHS data available for download at
Please bookmark and use the openVAERS website to get the most current information, share it and warn everyone you know.
Reported Covid-19 Deaths in VAERS
With the ease of the OpenVAERS website we can all now see exactly the information that we are looking for with just a few clicks of the mouse.
At the time of writing this article the VAERS data is through August 13, 2021. Looking at all “reported deaths” since the launch of the VAERS reporting system in 1990 (over three decades) there is a total of 21,936 deaths. This is across all vaccines that have been been used since that time.

Now, since the FDA emergency use authorization for the so-called “Covid-19 Vaccines” launched in December of 2020 (approximately 9 months), there has been a reported 13,608 “post-Covid Vaccine” deaths!
Did you get that?!
In just 9 months these Covid injections are responsible for many more deaths than all other vaccines combined in the 30+ years that VAERS has been reported to!
8,328 reported deaths reported for ALL OTHER VACCINES combined over three decades. And 13,608 “post-Covid Vaccine” deaths….that’s over 62% of ALL the reported vaccine related deaths to date!
Reported Mortality Break Down
As of the same date, August 13,2021 the total reported deaths for the Covid-19 injections across the three manufacturers injections (in use in the United States) breaks down to the following chart.
- The J&J has a reported 726 deaths
- Moderna has a reported 3,283 deaths
- Pfizer has a reported 9,024 deaths
- 35 deaths reported are of an unknown manufacture

Reports of Death by Onset
Once a victim has been injected with one of the concoctions, how long until they died? Well, from the data, it looks like the first three days after the injection is where many cases are reported. However, we are greatly missing much data in this area. The long term die-off from various illnesses caused by these injections are yet to be seen? The implications for future death and illness related to the synthetic “spike protein” production in the body (as designed), and mRNA/DNA editing/altering attributes of these injections leave a vast unknown of risk and harm.

Reported Vaccine Adverse Reactions
On the openVAERS site the 10s/100s of thousands reported vaccine related injuries/illnesses and serious complications that have resulted from the Covid-19 injections can also be found.
Below we can see the current snapshot summary (as of August 13, 2021) of the major categories reported and compiled from the data in VAERS:

Where Do We Go From Here?
As of the day this article was published (August 23,2021) the FDA has granted full authorization for the use of the Pfizer Covid-19 “Vaccine”.
This “approval” in itself is riddled with criminal account.
We can expect the escalation for mandated vaccination status for most everything we have always known to have freedom to participate in society (without compulsory medical intervention). Pfizer is also scheduled to release a booster shot in very near future.
On a side note, in 2009, the Justice Department Announces Largest Health Care Fraud Settlement in its History…Pfizer to Pay $2.3 Billion! This is only one from a list of settlements…the Pfizer “full corporate rap sheet” can be viewed here.
This medical apartheid has greatly divided the country (and world over), and is setting grounds for the complete destruction of civil liberties…and life as we know it. If we do not have the choice as to what we put in our body, then no other “perceived” freedoms will matter.
The “powers that should not be” have already used the increased deaths and illnesses (related to the Covid injections) as a way to further incite fear into the population in the form of “break-out variants”. Which will result in the continued booster shots to maintain an individual’s vaccine status.
Numerous citizens of countries around the globe are in mass non-compliance of mandated vaccine passport. It is for certain that the “New World Order” is not going to stop, unless we stop it. The goal of injecting, the entire population is under way.
There has never been a time more critical in our told human history. Humanity must unite to remove the multi-national, multi-generational, syndicate of criminal psychopaths masquerading as world governments, politicians, religious organizations, and leaders.
All of them are in violation of basic human rights, committing crimes agains humanity on a massive scale that is unprecedented.
It is certain that we will be experiencing many more deaths, and the likelihood for a world-wide mass die-off is looming on the horizon.
Many doctors, scientists and medical professionals have been sounding the alarm for months, yet being censored and vilified by the MSM and social media giants.
This is not about a virus, and never was…
There is enough information to present the fact that a world-wide genocide is now taking place.
Please, remember you are not alone. We must all stand our ground, do not let anyone take away your basic inalienable human rights. Once the freedoms have been stolen, they will never be given back.
There is no time left to remain silent…your “silence” is your “compliance”.
Once again, please bookmark and use the openVAERS website to get the most current information, share it and warn everyone you know.
Please, family…hang on to you humanity, live in your heart, be the embodiment of pure love. This human experience is but a brief step in our soul’s infinite journey…