Covid-19 Human Rights Search For Truth Technology Vaccines

How Many People Are the Vaccines Killing?

A legitimate question…is it not? Yet, the corporate health regulatory agencies and vaccine manufacturers are pulling out all the stops to keep this information from the public.

The people are not being told the facts of the unprecedented world-wide experimental inoculations. The media is surprising free speech of those who are voicing opposition to the totalitarian mandates that are destroying lives.

What do we know about these “vaccine” deaths and adverse reactions that are being hidden from the masses?

Honestly, no one really knows, and agencies aren’t sufficiently monitoring and regulating across the four emergency use concoctions from convicted felon corporations. So…how many people are the vaccines killing? How many they will kill? Are there worse things to consider other than death (from the effects of the mad scientist Pharmakeia potion)?

Thousands have already died or have been injured after being given the vaccine!

SHOCKING – The latest covid vaccine deaths and injuries from VAERS covid data (it is estimated that only 1% of vaccine adverse events is reported)

Here is some compiled information from Europe that is shared from Dr. Veron Colemans blog.

European database of suspected adverse drug reaction reports:

Dr. Vernon Coleman reports updated statistics and information at the following link:

Please share this important article with everyone you know.

For those that are paying attention, there are sings and symbols all through popular culture and media. They have been telling us all for a long time what they are doing, and the masses of society have failed to break the spell that has been cast upon them…

Revelation 18:23 “for by thy pharmakia were all nations deceived

Covid-19 Human Rights Search For Truth Technology Vaccines

Human 2.0 Wake Up Call To The World

Search for Truth

It should be quite clear to anyone that has honestly been looking for the truth of what is taking place with the details of the “pandemic” (and the world at large), that there is most definitely “foul play”.
A labyrinth of smoke and mirrors awaits those who are looking for facts. Why does everyone I ask not know anyone who has had or died from CV-19? What is CV-19…really?
Technological advancements and media control of public perception have created a “chase your tail” situation for the populous to further divide itself (Divide and conquer is a leading strategy for any empire throughout our distorted history).

If knowledge is power, then those in power would be foolish if they didn’t attempt to conceal it, right? Our true history has been hidden from us. Those in positions of power have guided our civilization to where we are today. Do you think this is happening all by coincidence? All is lining up for what is prophecized in many ancient text. Who wrote these text?

Many people who have awakened to the truths of this world have been sounding the alarm; while the rest of the masses are dismissing the dire warnings and plethora of information available so they can make an informed opinion as to what is taking place around us?

At this time in our collective evolution are we experiencing the greatest battle for humanity and consciousness that will ever be! This is the big show, and we all have our parts to play….I know why I am here at this time…

Do you think you can just sit back and let this pass…doing your best to not let your boat rock? Well, unfortunately theres no where to run, and no where to hide. This is a global takeover…complete inventory, ownership, and control of every resource on the earth. That’s right all of it…food, water, land plants, trees, animals, humans…EVERYTHING! This is known as the United Nations Agenda 2030 (tied to Agenda 21).

Transhumanist Agenda

Such a grand level of dictatorship there must need to be some serious high-technology deployed? Yes, there sure is! What we have seen in many science fiction movies has moved to the realm of science fact.

“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men…” – Lord Action

How does an empire gain the powers of God? Through genetic manipulation, and technological advancements that have granted abilities that are vastly outside of what humans would ever be capable.

We have entered the age of “Transhuminism”. The merger of man and machine has been professed, and it does not favor man.

…this will get into a much bigger discussion that I will be presenting in an upcoming article…

“In those days men will seek death and will not find it; they will desire to die, and death will flee from them” – King James Bible

However, at this time I will say, it all comes back to “their” technology. In this article we talk about some of this technology that is planned to be released upon humanity very, very soon…

DNA & RNA Modifying Compounds

What we are talking about is the upcoming vaccines that are being developed at “warp speed” by pharmaceutical companies that have no liability for what harm it will produce upon the population. These vaccines are like nothing we have been presented in the past. The compounds in these vaccines will have the ability to permanently alter DNA and RNA molecules in the human body. Manipulations that will result in untold effects upon the human organism.

Some of the stated compounds used in these upcoming formulas are compounds like “HydroGel” (Developed by DARPA), “NanoBots”, “Lucifrase” (a bio-luminecent enzyme named after “Lucifer”), Potential “Gene Drive” Tech (“GENE EXTERMINATION” technology… Huh, does any of this seem “questionable” to you?!

The merger of man and machine is being pushed heavily by well known transhumanists like Elon Musk, Ray Kurzweil, and Zoltan Istvan. All of these characters are worth everyone’s deep investigations.

These upcoming vaccines will permanently alter the genetics of the person who receives it. What is it changing us into, what is the ultimate goal of transhumanist agenda? There is much more to discuss in the arena of transhumanism and vaccines…

Below is a video shared by Please take a few minutes to listen to what Dr. Carrie Madej has to say about the upcoming RNA/DNA inoculations.