Renowned political artist, David Dees recent death was announced by his family. At this time, the cause of death has not been announced.

In a recent email to subscribers, Dees announced that he had recently been diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma cancer, and that he has declined any orthodox medical treatment for the condition.
David Dees obituary is not available at this time. This article will be updated with new details once available.

The famous political artist, and former Sesame Street illustrator, David Dees’ work has influenced people around the world to see the surrounding construct of manipulation and control…

More about Dees
After Dees’ personal “awakening”, he knew he must leave his job at Sesame Street and create images to raise awareness of the plans set in place by the totalitarian infrastructure….

Dees’ art pioneered the role of memes in our current culture, and has played a big part in exposing the evil agendas by those in power. Dees’ amazing artwork has been instrumental in waking up millions of people world-wide….
Thank you for your honest service to humanity, Mr. Dees! You have truly made an impact here…
…Fly free…
Visit David Dees Website to view his work and support his cause:

Art imitates life.
Too much truth in his art. He was “cancered”!
The truth will be silenced! Great post atom