This short article is to bring notice to a very important publication posted on PubMed on April 22, 2022 by retired neurosurgeon, Russell L. Blaylock. Published through Surgical Neurology International (publisher of peer reviews scientific journals) we can read Dr. Blaylock’s strong conviction and references in his publication titled, “COVID UPDATE: what is the truth” We can read this important referenced literature on PubMed, which comprises more than 34 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books
This important information highlights many of the lies and malpractice at the hands of medical institutions, pharmaceutical companies, politicians and world leaders.
Please share the link, and print out Dr. Blaylock’s publication “COVID UPDATE: what is the truth” and highlight important passages for quick reference, to share/discuss with as many friends, family and anyone we can help to wake up to the realities of our clear and present danger. We must drop our differences and remove the parasitic criminal psychopaths in positions of power, who are intentionally committing democide on the worlds population.
First we will state that this blog article was originally published over a month ago on 3/10/22. However, likely due to certain words in the previous title of the article, the “ministry of truth” censorship algorithms directed this article to subscribers email spam folders, and other subscribers never even received the email notification at all. At this time, our subscribers will likely still need to fish our email notifications out of their spam folders. If you do, please click on “Mark as NOT spam” to hopefully receive future notifications from us.
We decided to pull this article down, and wait to publish it now. We were curious to see what impact from the document release had in other areas of independent journalism. Shocking that this is not being blasted EVERYWHERE!? In over a month since then, there is such little coverage on the topic we are about to discuss…
The Document Release Begins
This is the most incriminating documentation to spotlight the crimes against humanity being carried out world-wide! 1,291 “adverse events of special interest” have been released by Pfizer and the FDA in regards to the Pfizer BioNTec Covid-19 Vaccines
As the MSM news continues to focus on the Russia/Ukraine situation (war propaganda distraction), the FDA complied with a court order to begin releasing 55,000 pages of Pfizer data per month that was used to authorize their COVID-19 vaccine produced with BioNTech, with the first batch quietly released March 1st.
Where to download the documents?
There are 150 documents that the public can now download from Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency (PHMPT) website. PHMPT is a nonprofit organization made up of public health professionals, medical professionals, scientists, and journalists exists solely to obtain and disseminate the data relied upon by the FDA to license COVID-19 vaccines.
Below is a short video walking us through the PHMPT website and how to download the Pfizer document of known adverse events for the Pfizer mRNA Covid-19 vaccines. This single document “5.3.6-postmarketing-experience” can be downloaded from our site on our “Documents & Ebooks” page as well.
PHMPT Documents Download Directions
This is quite the bombshell news that has completely eluded mainstream media news reports…this is it! This is THE BIG NEWS!…
Now, over a month since the release of these bombshell documents and NOTHING from the MSM (as it is funded by big pharma)…how long is it going to take for everyone to be talking about this?!…how long before the premeditated poisoning is put to and end?!…
MSM silent about most important information released by Pfizer and FDA
As suggested, please visit the site PHMPT website and download the 5.3.6 postmarketing experience.pdf document with list of adverse events. Share it, forward it, email it, attach it, print it out and highlight things that stand out to you and discuss it with others…
We must share this with everyone…everyone needs to be talking about this…this information needs to be “VIRAL”!
When do we stop the attack?!
With the ever growing death count from these lethal injections, how much longer before we put an end to this attack on humanity? Those responsible for these horrific crimes will be held accountable…there is no argument in light of these recent confidential Pfizer document releases, this is a genocidal attempt against the human population! These “vaccines” are in fact biological weapons!…These are war crimes being conducted world-wide by those in highest office!
Dr. Zelenco speaks about what comes next for those who have committed these horrific war crimes.
Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine
At this time we are also gaining details of a Swedish peer-reviewed study into the Pfyzer mRNA vaccine. Incriminating details continue to surface with the conclusion that, yes, these Covid-19 injections do in-fact appear to modify the human DNA. This peer-reviewed study can be found below:
As stated in the report’s conclusion: “Our study is the first in vitro study on the effect of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine BNT162b2 on human liver cell line. We present evidence on fast entry of BNT162b2 into the cells and subsequent intracellular reverse transcription of BNT162b2 mRNA into DNA.”
(This information mirrored from the respective authors web page found at the following link: Murder By Decree)
By Kevin Annett
Global Breaking News, January 15, 2022 (GMT)Big pharma, government, church leaders face arrest as Court convicts them of Genocide, prohibits injections
Killing Center: R.W. Large Hospital in Bella Bella, B.C.,Site of murderous drug testing experiments and sterilization of childrenby the Catholic and United Churches, Pfizer, Glaxo
Brussels and Vancouver:
The International Court that forced Pope Benedict from office in 2013 has struck a blow against the COVID corporatocracy by convicting top officials of Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, China, and the Vatican of Crimes against Humanity.
The Court’s verdict sentences seventy-five individuals to life imprisonment, seizes their assets and disestablishes their corporations, and lawfully prohibits the further manufacture, sale, or use of their COVID vaccines as “products of medical genocide and mass murder”.
After a four-month trial convened under International Law, the judges of the International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ) issued their historic verdict and sentence today, along with Arrest and Expropriation Warrants against the defendants.
The convicted individuals include Albert Bourla and Emma Walmsley, the CEO’s of Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals, Xi Jinping, President of China, ‘Pope’ Francis (Jorge Bergoglio), ‘Queen’ Elizabeth (Windsor), and Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada.
According to the Public Affairs Office of the Court,
“This case involves a monstrous, intergenerational crime and its equally massive coverup. The highest officials of Church, State, and Corporations have for years personally sanctioned and profited by the systematic torture, trafficking, and murder of children in deadly drug testing experiments to produce the COVID ‘vaccine’, as part of a Criminal Conspiracy to reduce humanity to slavery. That Conspiracy murders the innocent, traffics in arms, drugs, children, and human organs, and silences or destroys those who threaten to expose it.
“Our Court has put a legal end to that Conspiracy by criminalizing the persons and the corporations responsible, and prohibiting the further sale and use of the COVID ‘vaccines’, which are the product of medical genocide and the mass murder of children.”
The Court’s verdict and sentence casts a wide net over those responsible by tracing the roots of the COVID regime to the planned genocide of indigenous people in Canada by the Vatican and the Crown of England, including in the murderous “Indian residential schools”.
The Court establishes that the public opponents of this genocide, especially Kevin Annett, have been continually targeted for destruction by the convicted defendants, who are responsible for the murder of fifteen activists and several recent attempts on Annett’s life.
“Our warrants empower not only our Sheriffs and deputized police, but people everywhere to enforce the Court’s verdict by arresting the convicted felons, seizing their assets, and halting the sale and use of the genocide-derived COVID ‘vaccines’,” says the Court.
“The killers of children can no longer evade justice using executive or corporate privilege, or by hiding behind the camouflage of contrived public health crises.”
The Court documents are attached to this notice.
An action plan for police and citizen participation in the enforcement of this historic verdict and sentence will be discussed tomorrow, January 16, at (at 3 pm pacific, 11 pm GMT).
To contact the Court: [email protected] (attn: G. Dufort, Public Affairs Office)
Issued Saturday, January 15, 2022, at 12:01 AM (GMT)by The International Common Law Court of Justice, Criminal Trial Divisionby The International Common Law Court of Justice, Criminal Trial Division
Under the auspices of the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) (established under the Law of Nations on June 15, 2010)
The Verdict and Sentence of the International Common Law Court of Justice, January 15, 2022: Press Release
The Nuremberg Trial was held in 1945-1946 where German military leaders, political officials, industrialist, and financiers for crimes committed during World War II.
The Nuremberg Code was created in 1947 in Nuremberg, Germany, following the trial of a group of Nazi doctors accused of conducting inhumane and often deadly experiments on prisoners of concentration camps without their consent.
The Nuremberg Code was developed in response to the horrors of this experimentation, with the aim of protecting human subjects in medical research. The Code (and particularly its emphasis on informed consent) has had a profound impact on international human rights law and medical ethics.
The Nuremberg Code consists of 10 principles, the first of which being that the voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential in any experiment on humans.
Other principles include that the experiment should be for the good of society, that all unnecessary physical and mental suffering or injury should be avoided and no experiment should be conducted if there is good reason to believe it may result in death or a disabling injury.
They also say that the human subject should be free to exit the experiment if they are suffering, and that the scientist in charge must be prepared to end the experiment if they have good reason to believe it may cause injury, disability or death to the subject if it continues.
After almost 140 days of proceedings which included the testimony of 85 witnesses and the submission of almost 1,500 documents, the American judges pronounced their verdict on August 20, 1947. As a result of Nuremberg trials 12 defendants were sentenced to death, 128 were sent to prison, and 35 were acquitted.
World governments and medical institutions are In Violation Of all 10 Nuremberg Codes
At this time in the human experience, every nation is experiencing full blown medical and governmental tyranny. Due to the orchestrated mainstream media Covid-19 propaganda, the blatant violation of human rights, removal of individual freedoms, bribing, and coercion by world governments and medical institutions, millions of people are rising up in protest all around the world.
With all major countries now pushing for vaccine passports, we must all stand for our freedom of bodily autonomy. If we don’t have the choice as to what we put into our own bodies…then no other freedoms will matter!
Please download the free PDF of the Nuremberg Code from the British Medical Journal below. Without a doubt, there are violations of human rights (crimes against humanity) being conducted. Do you recognize the violations in every code of this international law?
“Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” – Winston Churchill
To Vaccinate, or not to vaccinate?…That is THE question!
At this time in the human the experience, we have some very important questions facing us. And at the heart of the current “Covid-19” epidemic, safety and ethicacy of vaccination has been pushed to the forefront.
The ‘1200 Studies’ research document presented here, is a most IMPORTANT resource for everyone to have. This document provides a wealth of information from the life’s work of thousands of doctors and medical researchers into the medical establishment’s vaccination programs.
This document caters to those on any side of the coin. It doesn’t matter if your opinions are as “pro vaccine”, “anti Vaccine” or anything in between. ‘1200 Studies’ simply presents the “facts”. The information we all need in order to make informed decisions for ourselves, and our families health and wellness.
Packed with critical information, this navigable PDF document is easy to acquire important details into the safety, ethicacy, case studies of vaccines and the medical practice of vaccinations across the population.
We must all arm ourself with truth…verifiable information that can help in this process is found within the ‘1200 Studies’ document.
Brought to us in 2010 by the ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION, we find what is practically a play-by-play of what we can see unfolding in today’s world.
This document brings to us the concept of “LOCK STEP”… From page 18: LOCK STEP: A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback.
Page 19 Excerpt:
We have entered the “globalist” plan of a “New World Order”. This is an ultimate authoritarian state that will employ a “Digital Population Control Network”.
The deployment of incredible technologies like the 5G wireless grid, Nano technology, DNA modification/manipulation, Artificial Intelligence, and vast synergistic integrations between these and many other technologies, will create a dystopian reality that can only be scratching the surface of “fictitious” novels like George Orwell’s ‘1984’ and Aldous Huxley’s ‘A Brave New World’.
The Rockefeller Foundation’s “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development” Coupled with the “United Nations: Agenda 2030” every person, animal, plant, water, air earth will be “owned”, inventoried, tracked, tracked and ultimately be artificially controlled by a small group of individuals for whom we do not know. They are the ones that have been working in the shadows…They are the entities that determine humanities course, and have been the “hidden hand” guiding society to this future.
A plan for the future! (a video explanation of the “Scenarios” document).
We are well in the midst of this plan for TOTAL CONTROL! We the people have got to wake up to the realties unfolding in this world around us. How many “coincidences” are required before something is no longer a “coincidence”?
The division among the populous of the world has been created by those that want to uphold the status quo. It is time we drop all of our perceived differences: IN LAKE’CH (Mayan term translated into English means “I am another yourself”)
This book is available to read as a free download PDF (below):
Title: Your Health, Your Sanity – IN THE AGE OF TREASON
Food and Liquids Used as a Medium in Deliberately and Carefully Planned Methods Developed by the Vicious Element of Humanity, for the Mental Deterioration and Moral Debasement of the Mass, as a Means Toward Their Enslavement
Based on Their Own Admission and the Methods Already Confessedly Employed.
Date Published: 1st edition 1957, 2nd edition 1958
Reuben Swinburne Clymer (Wikipedia) Reuben Swinburne Clymer (November 25, 1878 – June 3, 1966) was an American occultist and modern Rosicrucian Grand Supreme Master of the FRC, perhaps the oldest continuing Rosicrucian organization in the Americas. He practiced alternative medicine, and wrote and published works on it as well as the teachings of Paschal Beverly Randolph, alchemy, nutrition, religion, sex magic and spiritualism. This led to a number of conflicts with Harvey Spencer Lewis and the AMORC, FUDOSI, Aleister Crowley, and even the American Medical Association…
“Horrors of Vaccines Exposed and Illustrated is a fascinating look at the documented dangers of vaccines from back in 1919, right after the (so-called) “Spanish Flu”.
The document provided is a powerful interactive educational resource that will become one of your strongest ally.
We live in a time of universal deceit…
There is the goal of the world’s governments and ruling parties to inoculate all citizens in the world due to a perceived viral threat. What does the evidence say? Is this safe?
Let us arm ourselves with knowledge. Download FREE eBook below: