Deborah Tavares operates and has been warning humanity of the war that has been waged against agains us all. This recent broadcast from Deborah is very difficult to take in…we are at a very late hour and we must listen to everything she has to say.
Please share her video far and wide, we must do all we can to survive!
Brought to us in 2010 by the ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION, we find what is practically a play-by-play of what we can see unfolding in today’s world.
This document brings to us the concept of “LOCK STEP”… From page 18: LOCK STEP: A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback.
Page 19 Excerpt:
We have entered the “globalist” plan of a “New World Order”. This is an ultimate authoritarian state that will employ a “Digital Population Control Network”.
The deployment of incredible technologies like the 5G wireless grid, Nano technology, DNA modification/manipulation, Artificial Intelligence, and vast synergistic integrations between these and many other technologies, will create a dystopian reality that can only be scratching the surface of “fictitious” novels like George Orwell’s ‘1984’ and Aldous Huxley’s ‘A Brave New World’.
The Rockefeller Foundation’s “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development” Coupled with the “United Nations: Agenda 2030” every person, animal, plant, water, air earth will be “owned”, inventoried, tracked, tracked and ultimately be artificially controlled by a small group of individuals for whom we do not know. They are the ones that have been working in the shadows…They are the entities that determine humanities course, and have been the “hidden hand” guiding society to this future.
A plan for the future! (a video explanation of the “Scenarios” document).
We are well in the midst of this plan for TOTAL CONTROL! We the people have got to wake up to the realties unfolding in this world around us. How many “coincidences” are required before something is no longer a “coincidence”?
The division among the populous of the world has been created by those that want to uphold the status quo. It is time we drop all of our perceived differences: IN LAKE’CH (Mayan term translated into English means “I am another yourself”)