People of goodwill can disagree about the safety, efficacy and religious implications of a new vaccine for the corona virus.
But, everyone should agree on this point:
No government can force anyone who has reached legal adulthood to be vaccinated for the corona virus. Equally, no government can vaccinate minors for the corona virus against the will of their parents or guardians.
Please SIGN this urgent petition which urges policymakers at every level of government to reject calls for MANDATORY corona virus vaccination…
Check out, where clinicians, researchers, and health experts from around the world are interrogating the mainstream narrative around the pandemic…
From Website: We believe this crisis represents a world-changing opportunity to expose and transform antiquated ideologies that restrict health freedom. Germ theory is a scientifically bankrupt paradigm based in warfare models of pathogenic invasion. This theory has been leveraged as an instrument for geopolitical and social control – largely in the form of a vaccination agenda – to subdue the populace through coerced and forced bodily penetration and associated disability, mortality, and surveillance. As a result, conventional Western medicine functions as a sort of religion based on consensus assumptions and dogmatic medical monotheistic posturing. At its core, this approach is not salugenic or scientific and thus violates its stated ethical parameters around informed consent, beneficence, and an uncompromised evidence base.
We believe that citizens should be free to exercise their natural right to practice medicine as they see fit – in retention both of bodily sovereignty and civil liberties. To that end, we orient ourselves around the foundational premises that the body is inherently wise, that symptoms are meaningful, and that radical healing is eminently possible when we align with the earth and honor our place in the natural world.